22. March - Corona Virus

It is not a PC virus
The first Corona Lockdown in Germany was decreed by the federal government on 16. March 2020 and came into force on 22. March 2020.
It was associated with numerous restrictions in public life and business ...
20. February - TRACKSHOT v9.0.12.0 Release

Support for further audio formats as of v9.0.10.0
To decode all compressed and data-reduced audio formats, now codecs from the FFmpeg framework are used.
As a result, TRACKSHOT now supports further audio formats in addition to the previous formats:
- AIFC (*.aifc)
- ALAC (*.caf, *.aac, *.m4a)
- FLAC (*.fla, *.flac)
- AAC (*.aac, *.m4a, *.mpa, *.mp4)
- WMA (*.wma)
- OGG (*.ogg, *.oga, *.opus)
- AC-3 (*.ac3)
Further information you will find in the info-file (.txt) in the resp. zip archive.
17. February

We are working for our new webpage now!