27. AUGUST - TRACKSHOT Update v6.2

The new update v6.2 is ready for download. Updates within the main versions are always cost-free and can be downloaded here in the download area directly.
If you should not have any login details for accessing the full versions yet, please send us a short message!
The essential innovations:
The international character code 'UNICODE' is implemented, including the ATec Plug-In Installer.
Thereby it is possible correctly to display file names, folders, markers, ID3-tags etc. with chinese or other foreign charcters in all cases.
To retrieve faderstart contacts the parallel port (LPT) is also available under Win7-64bit now.
No extra LPT port driver 'ReadContactsViaLPT' is necessary as before! In the Basic Configuration you can adjust LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 or Game port. Default value is 'None'.
Further audio formats were implemented, resp. revised:
32bit int, 32bit float, 64bit float for wav-, aif- and multitrack-files.
All formats can be merged into 16bit wav files, e.g. to make backup audio CDs (File -> Export audio...).
Also the audio MPEG decoding was revised.
Therefore more mpg formats can be played as before, most notably those formats with variable bitrates (VBR).
The video properties dialog was revised.
Now video can be comletely switched off here (great for single productions without the need of video playbacks, if an AddOn /VideoOut is installed).
NEW: AddOn /SyncToTimecode as of v6.1

Just in time for the prolight+sound TRACKSHOT v6.1 has become ready.
As of this version the new AddOn /SyncToTimecode can be installed and activated.

With this AddOn any events (samples) in TRACKSHOT can be synchronized to an external time code (SMPTE). Events can start, stop, pause and fade (in/out/rel.+abs. level) in sync.
SMPTE time code is received via the APP (ASIO Positioning Protocol) or alternatively via an audio input. With the 'Latency Correction' the received time code can be fine-tuned where high accuracy is required. In this dialog the 'Jam mode' can be toggled also.
For a real 'Chase Lock Sync' operation an APP-capable audio card with SMPTE input is required, e.g. the RME Time Code Option (TCO-II).
In the current demo version this AddOn is enabled for testing. If you are logged in, you can download the version from the Download/Support area!